Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And Now the Regret Sets In

See, thing is,  I've always drawn people. I can never think of a specific time when I actually sat down and learned the anatomy of any kind of animal. And it's biting me in the ass....hard. But at least I was able to pick up the general idea of a horse's anatomy within the past few days. Unfortunately, this set me back quite a bit, and I'm way behind schedule for my film.

Anyways, here's a rough pencil test of some keys I just did. I've since corrected some of the volume/perspective issues, but the timing is exactly as I want it. And please ignore my extremely ghetto pencil test station, aka my light table held in place on my lap by my chin (nooot the most fun thing to do; if the light table moves at all, you have to re-shoot everything).

Monday, March 21, 2011

While I wait for After Effects to load.....

 ...have some Hunger Games fanart.

I'll take raw, angsty survival love over sparkly undead love any day. XD

Saturday, March 19, 2011

'Redd River' RAW Shots

I ended up using photo references of myself for this one, and they really helped quite a bit.

Quite pleased with how this shot turned out, especially with the secondary actions. Originally, I didn't have his hair flowing quite that dramatically, but my classmates and animation teacher thought it would really add to the shot.

SHOTS 19+20
Might alter the timing on these just a little.
SHOTS 46+47
These two shots have a line of dialogue, but I still have to get sc46 timed correctly before I put them together and add it in.

P.S. Cannot WAIT to animate that door Redd's holding open!!!! 8D </sarcasm></panic>

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oh, wow, I finally did it....

...I got me a fancy-schmancy art blog!


The art and stuff will come soon. Or sometime after soon.